Telephone: 01472 355 596
Fax: 01472 355 920
Units 1-3, Haven Light Industrial Estate, Gilbey Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire DN31 2SJ
Reliable Independent Gasket Cutter based in Lincolnshire but serving whole of the UK. Supplying small companies to Blue Chip companies in all engineering, marine, food. Pharmaceutical and chemical industries. For more info or enquiries Visit or email at
Cellulose paper | Ceramic paper/board | Closed Cell Sponge | Cork | Cork Gaskets | Envelope Gaskets | EPDM Gaskets | Exhaust Gaskets | FFKM | Fibre Jointing | Flange Gaskets | Flange Insulation Gaskets | Foam | Foam Gaskets | Food Quality Gaskets | Food Quality Rubber - EC 1935:2004 | Gas Gaskets | Gasket Sealants | Gaskets | Graphite | Graphite gaskets | Gylon | High Temperature Gaskets | Industrial Gaskets | Kammprofile/Camprofile Gaskets | Marine Gaskets | Materials | Metal Detectable Rubber | Metallic Gaskets | Non Asbestos | Non Asbestos Gaskets | Nylon | O rings | Open Cell Sponge (Sorbo) | Pipe Gaskets | Pipeline Gaskets | Plastic Shims | PTFE | Pump Gaskets | Rope Gaskets | Rubber Gaskets | Rubber Matting | Rubber Sheeting | Seals | Semi Metallic Gaskets | Silicone Sponge | Soft Cut Gaskets | Spiral Wound Gaskets | Sponge Gaskets | Steam Gaskets | Washers | Waste Water Gaskets | Water Gaskets |
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