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MacLellan Rubber Limited

Telephone: 01902 307711

Fax: 01902 305201


Unit 16, Planetary Road Industrial Estate, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV13 3XA


MacLellan Rubber Limited is one of the UK’s leading authorities and suppliers of polymer and rubber sheeting and rolls. Few can boast to being experts in this field since 1871.

We pride ourselves on having the technical knowledge and product range to meet our customers exacting requirements with High Performance Polymers available for applications where Quality & Engineering Departments are in charge, as well as lower cost solutions for those applications where commercial and financial decisions take priority. For those applications where a compromise is required between technical and commercial departments, MacLellan has the commercial and technical skills to strike the right balance

Our Team at MacLellan Rubber have unrivalled technical knowledge and are dedicated to ensuring your Polymer procurement is simple and easy.


  • Cyber Essentials
  • ISO9001
  • JOSCAR Registered